Other Professionals-Master Directory

Dr. Anna Owens, Ph.D

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Dr. Anna Owens, Ph.D

Address: 3300 S. University Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33328-2004

Phone: 561-866-9111

Email: anna@bocabehavioralhealth.com

About Anna:

Transitions are times of change in an individual's life that can be particularly difficult. During these times, one can feel a heightened level of anxiety, stress, even fear. As a Counselor, I practice from a solution focused approach & work towards goal oriented sessions that produce results the clients wish to receive. We will work collaboratively to identify areas in your life that you wish to explore, change, or even to make small adjustments that will leave you feeling more fulfilled daily.

Personal practice & research interests include; Life transitions, Relief from Anxiety, Living with Depression, Secondary & Post-secondary students academic needs, Adolescent self-harm, and Social and Emotional Learning interventions at home & school. Advanced knowledge in ESE; Gifted placement, IEP's, 504 accommodations, and Response to Intervention (RtI) 

As an experienced Certified School Counselor in Palm Beach county and a mental health provider- I have worked with thousands of students, parents, teachers, & various educational stakeholders which affords me the understanding to assist clients achieve a home-work- school life balance.