Bruce Law Firm | StayMarriedFlorida Blog

StayMarriedFlorida was developed by Palm Beach Divorce Lawyer Christopher R. Bruce and is supported by the Bruce Law Firm

How Divorce Affects Children of All Ages

Palm Beach Divorce attorney Christopher R. Bruce recently interviewed North Palm Beach Child Therapist Justin McManus on how divorce affects children of all ages. Justin's interview (which contains information that everyone around children involved in a divorce should listen to) is accessible below and will be available within the next 24 hours for free download at the iTunes store: click here to download from iTunes.  Stay tuned as the video of Justin's interview is in production and will be available soon!

How Divorce Affects Children of All Ages
Christopher R. Bruce

Editor's Note: Justin McManus is children's therapist in North Palm Beach, Florida and is also a North Palm Beach child counselor.  Justin can be reached by calling 561-459-0621 or through his website,  Justin's profile can be viewed by clicking here.